RView RV and Travel Adventures
RView RV and Travel Adventures
Fantasy Fest Key West 2021
Join George and Lisa Hernandez as they talk about CB Smith park Pembroke Pines, FL and Fantasy Fest 2021 in Key West, FL . Listen as they talk about all the great restaurants and parties that they attended while at Fantasy Fest.
Home - Roostica Wood-Fire Pizzeria
Key West Hotels | Official Website | The Perry Hotel (perrykeywest.com)
Home - DeLunas Cafe LLC
Coming Soon - Key West Absinthe Society (absinthesocietyevents.com)
Boyd's Key West RV Campground - Waterfront RV & Tent Camping (boydscampground.com)
RV Resort Hilton Head | Hilton Head Island Motorcoach Resort (hhimotorcoachresort.com)
Lisa RichartHernandez
Hi, welcome back to RView. We have all kinds of great info and tips for you. Guess where we were fantasy Fest in Key West. Yep. And we've been on the road for three weeks. So we'll tell you all about all the places we visited. And our 10 days stay in Key West.
Welcome to RView with your hosts George and Lisa Hernandez each week listening as Jordan Lisa talk about their RV and travel adventures all around the world. Jordan Lisa travel in their 40 foot class, a tip and motor coach and tow their Jeep Wrangler, always looking for fun and adventure.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Hi, welcome back to RView. I'm Lisa RichartHernandez.
And I'm George Hernandez.
Lisa RichartHernandez
And today we have so many things to talk to you about. The main highlight of our show is going to be all about our trip to fantasy fast. This is our first year we went for the whole entire 10 days. And it was amazing. We had a great time believable.
Yeah, it was so much fun. We can't wait to tell you every single little detail. Well, we can't tell you every detail but ah
Lisa RichartHernandez
what stays in what happens in fantasy fest days and fantasy fest but we're going to give you what we can tell you from there, right?
Yes. A separate podcast for the other stuff. Oh.
Lisa RichartHernandez
So let's just start by saying that we've been on the road for three weeks, we headed down to keep the coach down in Hilton Head. So we picked it up the coach there. And it was a lot of planning because we had events to do at Hilton Head Island motorcoach resort for view properties, my real estate brokerage, so we had to be packed and prepared for that. And then we had to be packed and prepared for 10 days of costumes at fantasy fest. And then we also stopped to see George's parents down in Pembroke Pines, Florida. And we stayed at CB Smith park there. And so let's just start by kind of how we we start we stopped just held on loaded and loaded.
Yeah, we ended up having to take our covered trailer 12 foot trailer because we had so much stuff. We had to prep for owners week in Hilton Head. So we had to pack for that we had to pack for fantasy fast and we wanted to bring some stuff down to my parents house. So we tried to fit it on the Jeep. That didn't work. I tried to add the luggage rack that didn't work. So finally I just said, Hey, we got this trailer, let's just load it up. A little bit of overkill, but it actually worked out great.
Lisa RichartHernandez
And that's one of the benefits of being an owner at Hilton Head Island motorcoach resort because that's where we keep our coach. And if we if you don't remember, if you haven't listened to our other podcasts, we live in Charleston, South Carolina, which is about two hours north of Hilton Head Island. So it's kind of our like little getaway easy place to just go down. And so we keep our coach there full time now. And when we're ready to go on a trip, we always have to go out of Hilton Head. So being able to keep our 12 foot trailer stored there for the three weeks while we were on the road was a huge benefit to being an owner.
Absolutely. Plus, we can keep it plugged in, which helps we can keep the refrigerator running. We don't have to
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, you're talking about the coach. I'm talking about just being able to park our trailer do
Yeah, everything. Yeah. Coach it was it actually worked out very nicely.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yes. So we headed down to CB Smith Park, which is in Pembroke Pines, Florida and it's outside. It's about what 45 minutes outside Miami depending on what time of day you dig traffic.
Yeah, it's anywhere between 45 and six hours because Miami traffic. Yeah, not trying to be funny. It is Miami traffic.
Lisa RichartHernandez
I know. It's so true. So true.
We've talked about CB Smith park before and we'll talk about them again because I'm every time I go there, I'm thoroughly impressed with their operation. It's very clean. It's very organized. We've never had a problem. And it's it's I think the location is fantastic too.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, I mean, it's crazy. Like okay, so his his parents live in century village, which is a huge like retirement community there. But CBS CB Smith Park is it's a county park I believe. Yes. It's in Broward County. I mean, there's a hospital right across the street. The mall is right next door. There's like a million restaurants. It's like
it's I think 30 minutes from the Seminole casino the hard rock. It's what I like about it. It's close to Hollywood, Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Miami area. So it's always keep saying it. It's just a great location. Yeah.
Lisa RichartHernandez
And the park itself. Well, it's that all set up for COVID testing right now. Which Florida makes COVID testing so simple, which is awesome. But they have a water park there. They have tennis they have trails. They got a lake there with two being waterskiing wakeboarding. The They've got batting cages, they've got all kinds of stuff. So if you're just like looking for a place to stay in Florida, that's central to those locations. And we have a, you know, 40 foot coach towing a jeep. So you can always get in everywhere really easily. And it's also like very reasonably priced. So
yeah, the pricing is awesome. Or something it's conveniently located to 9575. And Florida Turnpike, which might be 75. I'm not sure. But it's literally less than five miles. That's
Lisa RichartHernandez
probably too far. So it took us about what, eight or nine hours to drive there from Atlanta to get down there. Yes, yeah. Yep. So we had a great visit with George's parents, and we're happy to say that I think they were doing a lot better. His mom is still in the nursing home. But we got her moved over this week to a nursing home that is speaks mostly, it's a Cuban majority of the people in their Cuban right. Yeah, the majority are Hispanic. Yes. So they're Spanish speaking. So where she's at now region says a nice little place, but it's only one person. Yeah, there's only one person that speaks Spanish. So
in the other place is closer to my dad. And you know, he's 84 he doesn't need to drive 35 plus minutes every day to go see her. Yeah. So
Lisa RichartHernandez
we we had we had a good, good time there. Great visit. And then it was time to head down to Boyd's campground, which took us about four hours.
It was almost exactly four hours from Pembroke Pines to the door boards. It was a nice, easy drive. Luckily, we didn't hit any traffic. I will say I don't know what it is about owning an RV. Maybe you guys out there that own Arby's have had the same experience. But why does everybody like cuts in front of you decide to slow down drastically below the speed limit? It's unbelievable.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Especially driving on that one road. And Dickey Wow, this is like there is somebody going like 39 miles an hour. So it's like we're almost there. But
the funny part of me is I know everybody behind me can't see the car in front of me because we're so big. And I know they're thinking this are
Lisa RichartHernandez
slow. Yeah. And then there's a little you know, then they see that little car got a Honda Civic drive them with some buddies.
Alright, so let's not let that get us down.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Because it's a beautiful ride to the keys through the keys. So, boys, we've talked about boys in the past we've been there before. We can't say enough about how much we just we love Boyd's enjoy. Well. It's a great location. It's the closest to the ball street you're going to get to downtown for an RV park or an RV park and we love all the little places on stock Island. Yeah,
this is our third trip down there or fourth fourth. We've done to fantasy fast and then we've gone down to separate times for other lands a birthday and one time just for vacation. So our fourth time all four times we've stayed at Boyd's all four times have been fantastic experiences. The people that stay there awesome. The people that run Boyd's fantastic kudos, I can't say enough about them. We love Boyd's
Lisa RichartHernandez
George's favorite word is fantastic,
fantastic new drinking game
Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah never join us every time George says fantastic in this podcast, please have to have a shot and they won't drink or they will then they won't even remember the end of our podcast by the time they're done with our
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh God Oh, so we also have our very favorite little Cuban food truck there that we have to give a shout out the Luna Yeah, it's the very first day we got there. Was it a month? No, it was I guess it was Thursday. Wow. We got there on a Thursday it was it was like after they closed because they're open from like really early in the morning until like two or three o'clock in the afternoon so it's breakfast and lunch. We just missed it so George didn't get his Cuban fix the first day but no worries we ate there every other day after that.
Yes, we made up for it big time we even hired them to cook us a while not cook us prepare lunch for many people. 10 people.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah for further we'll touch on that later. If you don't know where stock Island is, it's just right off love basically Key West and I think it's about a 10 minute drive to the Wall Street 15 minutes.
It is five miles from Boyd's door to the Wall Street. Okay, so, and I don't know what's going on but Uber's work Johnny on the spot, so
Lisa RichartHernandez
easy to get. We could barely even get out of the coach in time and there was an Uber there. Now fantasy fest is a really busy time. And they're usually booked up. So if you want to go to Qs for fantasy Fest in your RV, definitely start planning right now. Yes, I said right now for next year, because already we already we've already booked hours and had to put a deposit down because they are booked up the whole time. The smaller your coach are they even have 10 sites at voids, which to be honest, like October is not a bad month to be staying in a 10. They have really nice bathrooms and everything in there. The 10 sites are like right on the water. So the horrible
the 10 sites are probably the best sites because they are on the water. Yeah. Or it could be the worst site if it's really cold and windy. Yeah, but they have 200 RV approximately 200 RV lots ranging in sizes and approximately 50 tent sites. Their bathrooms are spotless. The pool is heated and chilled. I believe in the summer. They have a very convenient store there if you need anything for your RV for supplies, clothing, food, they have it there. And if they don't have it, there's plenty of places very nearby to get whatever you need. And there's
Lisa RichartHernandez
a security guard out there. 24/7 like looking out the front. So some of our favorite things on stock Island. Let's just start there before we dive right into all the crazy crazy stuff but on stock Island some cool things that we found we this time we took our bikes out, and we went to our very favorite place which is called rousse Chica.
No, it's the Luna. Okay, shout out to Christy and Stevie.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Okay, our second favorite plays to the Cuban food truck. It is Ruzicka and that's only because the Cuban food truck is closed at night die.
Yes, if it was open 24 hours a day just during that week, they could probably make their their quota for the month just with me. Okay, let
Lisa RichartHernandez
me just say this though, from a planning perspective, I used to overpack like, if you really really love to cook in your RV and like get everything out and make all that and you want to do that. That's that's on you. That's fine. But you could truly which I did this time, go to Boyd's and literally not bring any groceries at all. I mean, I brought some snacks. Of course we brought drinks. But we could get anything we wanted for breakfast at the food truck from omelets to sandwiches and they have lunches. So like whatever we were hungry for when we woke up. We could even order it online on her phone and just go pick it up from the food truck or if we were really lazy, they would deliver it probably for us because they do deliver.
They deliver and we were like three RVs away from them but they would have delivered Yeah, but you could get whatever you want. And that was the beauty of it. We could get pizza we I mean whatever you want. Pizza at Boyd's No, but nearby I said,
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh Ruzicka Oh, right. Like within five minutes, like two minutes from our bikes there. Yeah, we rode our bikes to Ruzicka. So we went there. Our favorite thing to do is go there for happy hour. They have Monday through Friday, Monday through Saturday, happy hour, anything from four to six. And they have like $5 appetizers. So we got like a whole pizza for $5 bruschetta, which is delicious for $5. They had mozzarella sticks. They had wings for $5. And then it was like $4 Well drinks for dollar draught beers and like $7 wine. And they have a it looks like a pretty extensive wine selection too. So yeah, just their Italian food is also excellent. I mean, some of the best pizza I've ever had.
Yeah, I was reading a little bit about them because I wanted to get informed and they make their own dough. And it's a family recipe. They don't stray from it. They use a very specific tomato for their sauce. It's I mean, it is home cooked Italian food.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. So put it this way. Our friends, Chris and Paul in medicine. We said hey, mean is that rooster. They were saying at the Perry Hotel, which is also on stock Island, which we'll talk about in a second. And I said, Well, why don't you just meet us at Ruzicka we'll have a drink and an appetizer there. And then after we saw them they went to Ruth's to call for more times during the week while they were there because they loved it so much. So highly recommend that place they have outdoor seating and indoor seating.
Service was very good. They have a very nice bar if you're like Lisa and I sometimes we just prefer to sit at the bar and
Lisa RichartHernandez
I love to sit at bar when we go places, especially when we're traveling, because I feel like we get a chance to talk to the bartenders and get to know more about the locals and
the people that are at the bar. Yeah, it's a little more inviting than sitting at a table. Yeah,
Lisa RichartHernandez
I agree. So then, where else do we go? Oh, then we wrote. So this was the very first time we went to the Perry Hotel, which we didn't even know was on stock island before. And we were we decided the first night to just head over there and just sort of check it out because that's where the rubber ducky party was going to be. And they had it was a cool night when we got there and they have this really nice I have two really nice pools actually, outside is on the marina. The hotel is really beautiful Chris and Paul and let us see their room and you could like walk right out to the pool from their room. And they have an outdoor bar and indoor bar. We had breakfast there one day
breakfast with very nice. The whole hotel was very nice. They have three restaurants there. They have mats, stock island kitchen, the salty oyster and sloppy Joe's I think sloppy Joe's just opened up. Yeah, so now they have two pools. Because one of the pools
Lisa RichartHernandez
is only for hotel guests and the other ones for people in the marina
for the marina. Yeah, yes. Yeah. They had the rubber ducky party at the marina pool. Yes. And that was a lot of fun. We'll talk about that too. A lot of stuff to talk about.
Lisa RichartHernandez
I know. Well, should we talk on the rubber ducky party while we're while we're talking about that? That was our first
well let me let me just give the Perry hotel little plug I guess. They do provide a lot of stuff they do. If you stay if you're a guest at the hotel, they provide a shuttle that runs from the Perry hotel to A and B Marina. Dan the lobster? No A and B Marina. Okay. The whole area that's upstairs. And it's a free shuttle. And if you can also get Uber you can get other stuff but I thought that was really cool because there's a lot of drinking going on during fantasy fest. I'll typically any night down there.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. Q As in general like to have a shuttle I think that's that's really nice. Yeah, definitely. And we had breakfast there one day. It was excellent. I think that was at Matt's kitchen and then we had sloppy joe
at sloppy Joe's. And that was very good for sloppy joe. Now that I think about it, ironically, I've never had a sloppy joe at sloppy Joe's except for this trend.
Lisa RichartHernandez
You know exactly. That's what I'm saying. Thing Bang Bang first. All right.
Yep. So the, let's go to the rubber ducky party.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Okay, so that was our first year doing the rubber ducky party. I don't know if it's, I don't know how long it's been going on or if it's new, but it was a rubber duckie themed pool party. It rained that day. So it was a little bit of a damper on it. I feel like it would have been a bigger crowd if I think it would have been much bigger crowd. Yeah, if the weather wasn't so iffy, but we decided what the heck we're gonna go anyways because we just was on Monday. And we really wanted to to check it out. We thought it would be fun. So we had all of our rubber ducky attire. George had gotten some rubber ducky swim trunks which I think like half of the other men there had shopped on the same Amazon site for Yeah, they're all mad it's all made a killing. Yeah, as a as a rubber ducky earrings and I got a rubber ducky sarong a rubber ducky tank top. When we got home from our trip, my rubber ducky bathing suit was in the mail. So that's that, but it was really fun. People had all kinds of crazy outfits on everything sort of like yellow duck, yellow ducky thing.
That was a lot of fun. They had a DJ there at a tequila vendor set up. Yeah, they were giving away free Sam,
Lisa RichartHernandez
the only thing I can say about that is there was not enough servers. And that was a little disappointing.
I was just gonna touch on that. I'll say, I guess a lot of places are having problems finding servers. But they could have planned a lot better. I
Lisa RichartHernandez
mean, oh my god, if you would have given me a tray, I could have made 500 bucks that day easy. I could have made the money. So I think it would have been possible for us to actually pack our own beverages and our in our bag and make bought our own drinks. As opposed to buying them there. That probably would have been the way to go. So there's a little tip on that. If you're going to the rubber duckie party, bring your beach bag, throw in a bottle of whatever you want to drink. Because yeah, it's really didn't have much luck at all with the service
then hopefully next year, things will be back to normal a little bit more, but that was definitely a downer it took what would you say a half hour to go to drink?
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, at least. Yeah, I think we had two drinks while we were there because we couldn't get any more when we did actually bring our drink cups that rubber ducky drink cups.
Yeah. So it was a little bit of a downer but yeah, a lot of fun overall,
Lisa RichartHernandez
yes. We We got there on Thursday, we chilled out Thursday night went to Ruscoe. Like we thought, oh gosh, no, we didn't chill out Thursday night, after we went to Rustica. We wrote over to the hotel, how to drink. And just to get the lay of the land. And it's a great place to, like, just sit out, like kind of at sunset and stuff. It's very pretty. And then we started riding our bikes back and I was like, why don't we stop by hog fish for one last drink? While we turned in famous last words? Yeah. Famous last words. So we turned in, and we see this little shack on the right. And I thought, oh, there's hogfish Well, no, it was a new place called the Absinthe house. And
it was a gold mine. We found Oh, it's it was so cool.
Lisa RichartHernandez
It's like a little hidden gem. So it had only been open for three days when we got there. And we sort of started walking up like, Oops, this isn't hogfish What is this place? And everything all the lights are green. So if you're not familiar with absent, absent is a liquor that I guess, I don't know, it was the 1800s or a long time
ago, back in the day it had hallucinogens in it.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. And they used to say, you know, it makes you hallucinate and everything. One of our favorite shows in Las Vegas is called absent then. So there's a lot of like history behind the liquor. Well, the man that owns it is a fifth generation Moon shiner. And I feel like we could just call him and do our own podcast just about his
I was actually thinking of calling him up and see if he would be interested in doing an interview because he was pretty he was very, so interesting. Jim, I don't know his last name. Was it, Jim? Yeah, remember, cuz we were like, Oh, we won't forget that one. Okay.
Lisa RichartHernandez
So they have he has like, all the everything is like remade like replicas of like, the actual things that they the water, like, I don't know what they're called a cannon container that the water can't or I think decanter, so the way you drink absent, and he had it all proper, he had even had it down to these little saucers that were French. And he explained to us everything where like, he brought the cup. And the cup was like, almost like a glass sort of coffee cup with a little handle and a small stem. And then it was on a little, like a like a saucer like a saucer. And so back in the day, he said the saucers or like how many drinks you had. So at the end of the night, you paid by the number of saucers that you had on your table, and have places like that now like in Europe that you can get sushi and you pick your sushi off this like revolving cart. And at the end of the day, you pay for the number of plates you have the very similar. And so he brings it over and explains all that explains about how he's made this, this moonshine will absent. So you put it the the absent he pours the absent in the cup, and then it's about you know, a shot. And then there's a special spoon that sits on top of the cup. And he put a cube of sugar on that. And then the water drips like onto the ice onto the sugar cube and melts the sugar into the absent cup. And then which
then goes from like a clear green liquid to this cloudy milky green, not milky, but cloudy green liquid. Let's suppose to activate the
Lisa RichartHernandez
crazy, or whatever the truth of it is it tastes like black licorice. If you like good and plenties you would love absent. I personally can't stand black licorice. But the presentation was like you would be an asshole if you didn't drink wine was so good. And I ended up drinking five of them.
He told us that if if having ways to drink seven. And there's something about camera said
Lisa RichartHernandez
are you supposed to sip it or are you supposed to drink it fast? And he said Hemingway said you should drink six in rapid succession.
Yes. And then the seventh brings out the green fairy. That's what it is. That's why everything all the lights were green. Yes. Yeah, it was the the myth back in the day. We
Lisa RichartHernandez
definitely need to have him on a podcast. Yeah, I've really feel like you could talk about that.
Well, I can't remember how many we had.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, then they did the smoked bourbon during fashion, which was like a piece of wood basically on there. And he smoked it. And so all of the liquors has family made, and they're really cool. And it's called the absent house. They don't have their website up yet, but I do know they have a Facebook page. You can check out their Facebook page for more details. It was a cool little place to stop.
Yes. And if you're in Key West, on stock Island, or even if you're in Key West, it's worth the drive to Absinthe house. It was it's just so cool. And if you happen to go, just let him know that George and Lisa, talk to you into it, it's, I really want to promote this guy, because it is just such a cool concept. So while
Lisa RichartHernandez
we're sitting in the absent house, it was this is like the vibe that I love about Keywest. So we're sitting there, and there's a young couple sitting next to us at Well, first, we sat like, overheard on another chair, where he set up a table for two. And then we wanted to like set the bar because that's where we like to, you know, we talked earlier about, like, be there part of the action. And the couple next to us. There were a young couple, I would say is like, I think he was like 27 or something. And I, we just got to chatting. And it turns out he is a legitimate treasure hunter. And I think that's just so freaking cool. Like, oh my god, like for real. And he explained his life. And he had gone to the merchant marines. He was a diver. And he got hired to work on this ship to die for treasure. And I guess there's apparently a lot of treasure hunters in Qs. But he was a real live one. And I just thought that was so cool. Especially having like a bunch of college aged kids right now like, trying to figure out what they want to be when they grow up. And I'm like, Well, none of them have ever said they want to be a treasure hunter. But that's a really cool job. And he was talking about how they found this coin that was worth $100,000 And, and then the guy on the other side of us we met he we started chatting with him. And he owns these overnight stay loading like bungalows that are out in the keys and they take you out there and you basically kind of sleep out in this bungalow on the water.
And we looked it up and they were really cool. Yeah,
Lisa RichartHernandez
like I've heard like, sort of mixed reviews about them. I mean, it is what it is, is a little bit more rustic, I think than people actually think it's gonna be but yes, once they drop you off. You're out there all by yourself. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So that's kind of cool. But I don't remember the name of that. We'll have to look it up somehow. I
don't remember too much after the accident. Yeah, you
Lisa RichartHernandez
could probably Google that. But yeah, George. It was a difficult to block bike ride home from Boyd's campground.
I was at
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yes, George did not do very good job riding his bicycle fell down. Look like a murder scene in our coach the next morning because he had cut his toe and cut his finger blow.
Okay, now I'll tell you my side of the story, right? I did not fall I was doing perfectly fine on my bike before the lease up through her bike. Knocked over. So. And let me just say though, I'll say this right now because you're going to hear a few more stories. That was the beginning of Georgia's suffering.
Lisa RichartHernandez
That was Thursday night. That was our first night there a
night. I cannot believe how many times I got hurt on this trip and my left foot took the brunt of most of the injuries. I don't know what was going on.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, so that was Thursday night, Friday night. We met our friends Brian and BJ they beautiful house downtown off to Wall Street. We met them at one of our favorite places. Hanks Hanks hair or the Dog Saloon that yes, and they always have the best musicians there. I just love going there. So do they they brought us there before when we were down on the keys with them for a week. And that's kind of what we really started to like it. They actually have food there which I've never eaten, but it looks good online. Yeah, they always just so packed. I
have a barn and indoor bar. But we always sit outside and it's always packed
Lisa RichartHernandez
because they have all these like lights outside and the musician like it's just
a great atmosphere and the performers that they hire are incredible.
Lisa RichartHernandez
What's the name of the guy that plays? He was on America's Got Talent. Rob Benton, Rob Benton? Uh, he like totally jams with his guitar. He like super hyper. Yeah, he's so good. And mixes up songs and stuff and really great entertainer. So highly recommend stopping by there. A lot of people that I had talked to you didn't even know about that place. I guess maybe more the locals know about it, but I don't know. There was a ton of people there. So
yeah, and it's off of Deval street. That's probably why it's more or less
Lisa RichartHernandez
like two blocks off the ball. Maybe like a block and a half. Yeah, block
and a half. Yeah, yeah, it's behind the bowl.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, so like, basically you don't have to ever wear a costume at fantasy fast. But if you want to, you can really pretty much any time. Friday night we just were some funny T shirts and nothing really too too much because the actual fantasy fest I don't think really supposed to kick off until that Saturday night. Now all of the things that were normally sponsored by city of Key West were all canceled canceled. But being the first time that we've ever really, really been there for a full 10 days, we had no idea. It was still a total blast. And we didn't know the difference. There's still a million people there and tons of activities and always something to do more things than you could ever.
Yeah, I mean, you can't go. You cannot go to every event. No, there's just too many. A lot of them to drink. Yeah. And if you drink at every event, you're done. Yeah. I will say the crowd was really cool. There was no I don't think I saw one fight. I don't think I saw one. It's just everybody's there to have a good time.
Lisa RichartHernandez
It's always like that in Key West, I feel like and I really love. The one thing that I really feel like is, you'll see old people you'll see fat people, you'll see skinny people, you'll see short people, tall people, purple people, black people, white people, brown people, whatever. And nobody's judging anyone. I will never know. Like, someone's going, Oh my God, look at that fat lady. No, nothing. Everyone that we've ever come in contact with has been nothing but kind. And I think like, You got to be sort of that kind of a personality to go there. Like if you're a judgmental person and and you fantasy fest isn't the place for you anyways,
no, and you'll be an outcast. If Yeah, if you do that,
Lisa RichartHernandez
because there's more people just it's like Halloween all day and night, pretty much costumes and creating for a week straight for a week straight. Yeah.
So and if you're planning on going, and it's your first time going, do a little research because every year they have a theme. So you know, that's always fun to kind of go a theme. So we did that this year. This year was a weird one. The theme was
Lisa RichartHernandez
all a days for the holidays. It was D A ze for the holidays. And so people went with like holiday themes like Christmas. We did our we did a group costume one night, it was all 10 different holidays. And then like for when I got body painted, it was like, travel theme. So let's see. Let's go by days. So that was Saturday. Sure. Oh, we were gonna go to the zombie party on Saturday. But we had gone out Thursday and Friday night. We got all the stuff to dress up like zombies. And we got too tired to go.
Yes, and there's no shame in taking a day off. Because absolutely full week. And you can literally go to to a party, from sunrise to sunset. Oh, yeah,
Lisa RichartHernandez
nonstop. So you really got to kind of plan your days. And you know, do what you can't like I would like to next year, try some different things just so that we can see. Like, because we never like there's a couple things that we really wanted to do. And then, but we're like, but we're missing that other thing. But, you know, he just couldn't do it all. We couldn't know.
Sometimes we have to pick and choose one or the other. Yeah, there's a couple that you so there's one night that's plaid night and it's also to two nights. So a lot of times people wear something plaid with a tutu over it. And they can hit both. Yeah, at one time. That's
Lisa RichartHernandez
right. That's right.
I'll tell you what, it is the best place to people watch, especially during that week because people are dressed up. And there are some creative people out there. Some of the costumes are just unbelievable.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yes, yes. So let me just say this, if you're wondering if you want to go to fantasy fest, but you're very maybe shy or just not really into getting dressed up, or what's the word I'm looking for? Conservative, maybe you can just wear normal clothes. It's perfectly fine. Yes, no one's gonna look at you funny.
But if you're shy and you're thinking, Man, I would love love to try that one day. That's the place to do yes.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Because nobody's gonna pay attention to you. Oh, buddy. No one's gonna say oh my god, look at that girl, you know, and
not that nobody's gonna pay attention to you. Even when they pay attention to you. It's always complimentary, right? Nobody has ever said, Oh my God, what the hell are you wearing? They're like, Oh, that is so cool. Even if it's just something silly. Like, Oh, that's awesome. And it's just it's super cool. Yeah, that's fantastic. Drink time.
Lisa RichartHernandez
That's right. That's right. So um, what did we do on Saturday?
I thought we just said we didn't. Oh, is
Lisa RichartHernandez
that the day? We didn't do anything because Monday was the duck. I think I think Sunday night. We had dinner and relaxed. Monday. We had the ducky party during the day. And then
Monday's all the days just ran together. Yes, that's pretty much so Monday
Lisa RichartHernandez
night was The kinky party. And we had done it a year before. We did it this year. Again, and but we, you know, we weren't like total rookies at this this time. So maybe this is a controversial thing for people who'd be like, I can't believe you did that or again, whatever. But here's what we did. It's a kinky party. And everybody dresses in like, pretty much like, s&m type clothes. Like, we love shades of leather and stuff, sort of anything goes and they don't let you in if you're not dressed. And you buy tickets this year, it was $50 a person wasn't it? Yeah, it was 50 bucks a person. And that includes free drinks for like, three hours open bar or something
from seven to 11. Yeah.
Lisa RichartHernandez
So you get there. And they say, you know, he's like, get in and the latest, like, do you want to participate? Okay, so we're
an additional $20 You can participate? Right? That's a patient band.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. And so we're like, what does that exactly mean? We said no, of course, because we're like, We're not into that. I don't know what it is. That'd be a no. What it is, is if you are into this, you can go up on the stage and some dominatrix will spank you or whip you are you are you on whatever you want everyone to watch. And then there is
just so you know, the line for that was halfway out the door. It's cooler. I want to
Lisa RichartHernandez
participate. No, I know that I Okay, so Tom, but the other thing the box, they have
this box and I think we talked about this once before, but for your new listeners and for your old listeners. It's the weirdest thing. Everybody's got their fetish but it's it's a box made out of PVC pipe and wrapped in plastic.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Like a like latex latex, I think yeah, muscles really
airtight plastic, whatever it is, there's two holes, you climb in through one hole and you pop your head out the other hole, and then the hole you climb through, they like tie it really tight to a vacuum. And that vacuum sucks out all the air that's in that cube with you. And you become Han Solo, you frozen. You're like frozen in this cube with latex, which is kind of weird. And I've seen things on YouTube about it. And people just there's something about it that people like Well, that's not the end of it, folks hang in there with me. So they take all the air out and obviously the crawled in so you're on your hands and knees now when they take all the air out, they flip you over on your back and your hands and knees are kind of pointing up in the air. And then they give your partner a selection of things to tease you with crops, toys, whips, canes, whatever. Yeah, and the people in these cubes were like literally going absolutely bonkers. And I was just like I don't get it but that person is having a lot of fun. Yeah,
Lisa RichartHernandez
I don't think I'm going to be on the participation list anytime soon. But I will say like it is kind of like a fun sort of kinky thing to do with your significant other that's super erotic Yeah, yeah, you kind of like go back and go oh, that was pretty sexy whatever so Yeah, and again and then you can leave whenever you feel uncomfortable leave whenever you want. Nobody ever would like touch you or make you feel uncomfortable. This is a very like there's a lot of rules and politeness to anything. We were pretty lot of just I think there's
a lot of on spoken rules and etiquette and everybody abides by Yeah, I think I think a lot of people are scared of crossing the line and getting banned from that party. Really a lot of fun. Yeah, so we're upstairs in the balcony and we're having a blast and Lisa and I are just like soaking this whole thing in and incomes George injury number two this poor lady that was standing next to us with these 45 inch the step on my ankle and I swear I thought the stiletto went through my skin. I thought she pierced my skin. And I screamed so loud and then the poor lady turns around she goes, was it that bad? And I was like, Lady
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, poor George. I mean like, I thought he was gonna just like oh, I
literally had to My eyes because it was so painful. And that was it that that just ruined my night. And I shortly after that, I was like, I gotta get out of here. I mean, I almost can't stand on my ankle.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. So one of our tips is, were protective.
I think next year for my kinkiness I'm going in full armor. I'm sure that'll turn somebody on. Oh.
Lisa RichartHernandez
There we go. There we go. So that was on Monday night. Kelly's well. It's not called Kelly's key party anymore. It says the kinky party. Yeah.
Take it from us. It's not a swing or party. Well, there are swings
Lisa RichartHernandez
there. No, yes. Don't Don't. No, no, not Swingers, but that's definitely there's swingers there,
but I'm gonna write but it's not a full blown swinger party. That's normal people. Oh, a lot of people think that it's just like this crazy sex crazed party. Yes, there's all kinds of stuff going on. But it's not pushed on you. It's not you can just go and hang out and have a great time.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Definitely worth 50 bucks to just go try it out. And if you're adventurous like that, dip your toe don't forget you got to dress. You got to dress in something to go in there too.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Crazy stuff. Yes. Yep. So that was on Monday, Tuesday is to to Tuesday and the plaid party. So that's a really both of them are like sort of overlapping. I think all day Tuesday, people wear two twos. Every kind of two, two. I think two twos could be like the I think two twos are like the go to fashion statement for key was van uniform. Okay, well, yes. You could totally wear it anywhere you want any day you want. But on Tuesday especially, is when everybody wears their tutus, all different kinds different costumes. You'll see people with tutus with just pastries on you'll see people that are painted body painted. You'll see every kind of tutu in different costumes and then and that's just sort of like all over I'm not sure if there's a specific party that is supposed to be for tutus I haven't figured that out yet. If there is yeah that
we haven't figured out yet. And also the body painting is pretty much anytime right
Lisa RichartHernandez
body people body paint all the time. We'll talk about that in a little bit but also then plaid night as a platinum does that Captain Harry's Captain Aries you can always anytime during fantasy fast. Probably one of my favorite places people watch because all the like freaks are at Captain Tony's I feel like yeah, for some
reason. It seems like every night everybody ends up congregating outside in front of Captain Harry's
Lisa RichartHernandez
no captain, Tony's captain, Tony's Captain Tony's and sloppy joes.
Yeah, cuz it's a side street off a devolve Street. close that off. So there's no traffic. And this year they did clothes off the wall street parts of it different types. But it's quite a quite a long bit from bowls from the bowl restaurant to
Lisa RichartHernandez
Papa Joe's sloppy Joe's. Yeah. So basically, I would say for the plaid party the go to costume is plaid with slutty schoolgirl outfits. I think that's like what every woman Joe's for their outfit was some form of plaids lady schoolgirl outfit.
I didn't see any right
Lisa RichartHernandez
what are the men were George?
I don't know. I don't see any. You whatever your imagination can come up with your your your two two. Yeah.
Lisa RichartHernandez
What did you what? I forgot what your two to
I don't even remember. To be honest with you. I really don't remember. I think I had my two two with a just a t shirt on or something. Oh, what was the how was I wearing?
Lisa RichartHernandez
I don't know. I think Tuesday might have been a long day. The whole week was a long day. Yes. Speaking of long days, so Wednesday, we decided that to take a break from Wall Street, which I feel like if you're going to be there for 10 days. It's for me personally anyways, it's just nice to get a little bit of a change of scenery. Not just be the bar hopping on the same basic street all week long as fun as it is like, I personally need a break from stuff like that. So we rented a boat for the day on Wednesday. There was, I think, nine of us that went out on it. We hired a captain and we had the best time and this is like the fourth or fifth time I've rented from cute.
What is it fun in the sun charters?
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yes and they rent boats all different kinds of boats and golf carts also And I met the owner, I believe his name is Shawn, super nice guy. They said they're in Key West, they've seen everything. So you know, you can't really, you can't shock them. Yeah, you can't shock those guys. But but we didn't try. What we found. And this is the second time we've rented it now is a double decker pontoon boat. It's a 30 foot pontoon boat with a slide. And they have like, besides this slide, they have this big like mat that they put out that paddle boards, they took us snorkeling. And we did a full day charter, and I want to say was around $650 For just the boat. Now, if you got nine people going, that's a deal for the whole day. If you've got a sober driver, and someone that has boat experience, you don't need to hire a captain. And that's all you pay. They they fill you up with gas. And this what we did before our last time, this time we got a captain, but they'll fill you up with gas and ice and the coolers and water. And they have a little GPS that's on there and you tell them like, I want to go to the sandbar and they'll put it in the GPS literally just follow the line. So if you have very little boating experience, they want people that do a boating experience. But if you don't want to pay to hire a captain, then you could totally do that. And they make it very, very simple. We did hire a captain this time it was $450 for the day, we had him for eight hours. Well worth the money for us in my opinion, just because we all wanted to drink and relax and enjoy the day. I think I told you to Lunas, the Cuban coffee of Cuban coffee. The Cuban food truck is literally on your way to the marina where those boats are. So if you were interested in that you could order Dylan as online or call them in the day ahead of time and tell them that you're going to go on the boat for the day. And Christie made like Cuban sandwiches Cuba mix sandwiches to turkey sandwiches, ham sandwiches, and she was awesome because she cut the sandwiches and she wrapped in foil and then she put the condiments on the side for us. So your sandwich doesn't get soggy. I also ordered empanadas they were up in autos to bring with us because we were all day and they were so good. We got I got five of each different kinds I think one was robot Bay on one was video. They were delicious. And we ate all of those. They came with chips and everything so if you know again if you don't want to go to the grocery store and if you don't want to get a plane subway or whatever, like I just really was happy that we could just pick everything up from her and and bring it all the boat with us that day again, avoiding grocery shopping and a bunch of stuff putting a bunch of stuff together. Yeah, it
was it was fantastic. Here we go. There we go. There we go. So we Lisa and I plan this Lisa plan that mostly and we told our friends about it and they all agreed on it. Let's do it Wednesday. So our friends have been going for 18 years now and this was like the first time that they did something besides hanging out on the Wall Street and they loved it everybody loved the idea of breaking up the week and it was such a fun trip to just get out on the water the water around Key West is one of the big attractions
Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah and so this time we we started our day off snorkeling which we hadn't done in the past and I was really happy that we did that he took us to a coral reef there was actually you know quite a few fish to see there's a lot of fun and he took us by a shipwreck and if you haven't been out on the water and Qs it's crystal blue very very clear in Key West does not really have beaches you know you think oh I'm gonna go to Key West is an island and all these beaches it really doesn't it really hasn't just a couple small beaches that you can barely access. So getting out on the water is like in my opinion one of the best ways to see the keys also and to really get a flavor for what it is like to be there on that island.
Yes, but I will say this if you are planning on getting out on the water and you don't have a lot of boating experience be very careful. The keys are very shallow extremely shallow if it's the treasure hunters Yeah, sand ships so hire a company that's good that's going to give you a GPS like these guys do you follow the breadcrumbs and you won't have any problems if you stray slightly you will you will run
Lisa RichartHernandez
potentially running ground Yeah, so I highly recommend that that was very very fun day we had with all of our friends we bluebird home from their for us. We were done after that boat right that was the all day for us. Yes,
you're missing one highlight. What's the sandbar was awesome the whole day was Incredible and we get back in as soon as we got back. This Manta t just swam right under the bow.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh yeah. And
the captain jumped off and he's like, come over here quick and he grabbed the hose. And I guess manatees love freshwater. And he just stuck it in the water and that sucker was just drinking up that freshwater and it was. I mean, it was so
Lisa RichartHernandez
right there. Yeah, I forgot. Yeah. Cuz there was also stingrays and sharks on the sandbar that we went to. Yeah, so we saw a lot of a lot of turtles. Big turtles. Yeah. So it was that was pretty cool. That was, that was that was really fun.
So that was our Wednesday, and then we had dinner and that was it. Right? I mean, it was perfect. But it was just a laid back day. Yeah, there's still drinking involved, but it wasn't craziness. And I can't remember what we did Thursday. I'm sure we drank.
Lisa RichartHernandez
I think we went to AMB lobster on Thursday.
Was that the night we went? Yeah, cuz I don't think we did anything crazy. Thursday.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Thursday night. We weren't. We were We were tired. Because we even though we were in the sun all day, we Thursday. We took another down day. And we went to a nice dinner AMB lobster.
But they didn't have rain a little bit on Thursday to change the day. Yeah. And we were like, Let's just and that's when we decided to go down to dinner with our friends Chris and Paul and and we had a great dinner down at the marina A and B Marina ate at A and B lobster.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. Ambi lobsters very, I like It's my second time eating there was very good. I got a two pound lobster. If you asked to sit outside, they do have fans and everything out there. But they he kind of overlooked the marina. I really liked that. They have an excellent blue cheese, all of stuff marked Grey Goose Martini. Yes. They're so good. Oh, and they have a fabulous dessert that that Paulien got it was some sort of chocolate ice cream balls of some sort. I forget the name of it. But it was very good. I think you had surf and turf and steak was good.
The steak was very good. The lobster was fantastic. Oh, drink up again. The food was great. The service was great. Yeah. And being that it is October like Lisa alluded to, we sat outside and it wasn't like scorching hot. So it was very, very comfortable. And I'm glad we chose to sit outside. Yeah. And you're overlooking the marina and it's just beautiful.
Lisa RichartHernandez
And then so Friday was group costume day. Yes, that was so much fun. So this would have been the normally I guess, the time that they have the locals parade, I believe, or would that be on Saturday?
No, it was Friday. And that's what we were trying to get into. We remember we were chasing the parade.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Well, they kind of did their own sort of makeshift locals parade with some of the people that are locals there. And we were just running a little bit late. So we didn't we kind of caught the tail end of that we didn't really get there. But we had
to George's third and true injury was because I had my leprechaun shoes and I got the biggest blisters on the back of my feet. I don't know I have to wear big thick socks next time.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Okay, now it's all coming back to me. So Thursday, we didn't go out because I knew that I was going to take me all day Friday getting dressed in my costume for Friday night. That's right and we do not want to be hung. We had to be down to devolve strict By four o'clock on Friday and I was like I'm going to have to start getting ready at like noon one o'clock. So I was Christmas and I transformed my hair into a Christmas tree and spray painted it green and George installed battery operated Christmas lights that you would normally use on like a mini Christmas tree and decorated my whole head and we stuck a star on the top. Pro tip here we learned that a battery pack will stick to the middle of your back if you use spray and Elmers spray at ESA yes that works great. Yeah almost spray adhesive I don't recommend it for hair or anything like that. Definitely don't do a gorilla glue thing.
Let's just throw out this disclaimer. We don't recommend that for anything on your skin at all. No, really. No Ellmers I don't know if anybody's gonna have an adverse reaction to it.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh and then say they heard it on our podcast. Okay, so whatever read the can but it did work on my back and didn't fall off. I suppose you could use duct tape if you prefer but it actually worked out a stapler on our so I had that and I had
snowman decorate little decorative snowman hanging from your hair. He had tensile on their hair. Yes. And we must have used at least three quarters of a can of hairspray just to get it
Lisa RichartHernandez
all the hairspray and then two cans of green hairspray to make my hair all hair green.
Yeah, her hair was not going anywhere.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. And then I had some crazy Christmas leggings and Crazy top that George made me that was
the highlight. Everybody loved it. And I came up with it. I came up with you came up with the thought I executed the yes present. I'm
Lisa RichartHernandez
the visionary. I'm the Pinterest fail Queen George is the one that executes the actually does the arts and crafts in the house. So he did make my top which was a snow globe, bikini top and inside of the snow globe where I wore snowman paste ease. And so
I don't know it's snow inside of it. It was just a big hit. Everybody wanted to take pictures with it.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, as I'm probably on so many bad. Probably bad pictures of me on there. Just who some random people's Facebook or something. But oh, well. It was all fun.
Yeah, there there is a lot of people taking pictures. So you just got to get over that. And I'm sure there's some people in there that are probably a little creepy, but most of the time, it's people that just want to take pictures and they have Facebook pages and stuff like that. There's a whole bunch of fantasy fest websites. So it's all good.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. You see the girl with a Christmas tree here on the snowglobe top. That would be me. George was St. Patrick's day he dressed up in his St. Patrick's Day suit and
short short short shorts. Oh, is that what you are shorts? Yes. Oh, because
Lisa RichartHernandez
you had a pot of gold in the front like you that you were around like a belt. You can put a bunch of beads and stuff in there. And you could like, you know,
reach into the product go. No, no, you're gonna get
Lisa RichartHernandez
a rainbow glitter sock.
Yes. I don't know what that
Lisa RichartHernandez
is so awesome. Yes, rainbows go with St. Patrick's Day. Oh, okay. Yes. And then our friend. BJ was Valentine's Day. Brian was Cinco de Mayo. Amy was Mardi Gras. Oh, yeah. Chad was our fourth of July.
The other guy was the night of the dead night of the day. Yes.
Lisa RichartHernandez
What else did we have? Oh, Halloween, Paulina Christopher skeleton. Oh, yeah, there were skeletons. Yes. So it was kind of us, we had a great time. And we literally just went bar hopping. And it was so fun to get group costumes and photos and stuff like that. And we just, we just had a great time being really fun dressed up kind of like Halloween, you know, we fit the theme, then I would find other Christmas trees and other Christmas people. And we'd all get together and take pictures. And I really probably one of my most fun nights was group costume night because we were all together, we went to all the bars, and we got lots of fun pictures and attention. And it was just it was a really fun time.
That was the one night that we probably all stayed together for the longest. Yes. Usually when we go I mean, we had a big group. So when we go out, we start at a bar, have a bunch of cocktails have some fun, and then the group starts to separate.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, you sort of go here, we'll catch up with you later or whatever. Um, yeah, it's great, easygoing, and we all are easygoing. And so it was really, it was a good time. And then Saturday, was body painting day. And let me talk to you a little bit about this body painting thing. I've always wanted to do it, but I've always been like, you know, nervous to do it. And I just didn't know if I would ever have the courage to do it. Let's just put it that way. Oh, my friend BJ. She's, she's gorgeous and has a perfect body. So like she gets body painted all the time. And I felt like, you know, those are the kind of people that should get body painted. But it's not true. Really, every body type of people end up, you'll see them painted on the streets. And it really kind of gives you the confidence of like, okay, all right, maybe I'm a little heavier than those girls or whatever. But I can still do it and get away with it. So I chose to do it on one of the very last nights because a lot of people say that it's difficult to get the body paint off. And so like my friend had done it like the year before, and she was like I did it one of the first days. And then it took me like two days and we scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and I couldn't get it off. I learned that there's two different types of body paints. There's one that's waterproof and one that isn't, but the non waterproof one, they'll put like a sealer on it. So it doesn't just rub off on everything. Like you can sit down and move around and you're not going to get your like body paint all messed up. It's not going to be all over the place. But you can get it off fairly easily the next day, which is soap and water. But with the other one, the waterproof one. My friend Vijay, who's the expert on this show, we should have had them on the podcast. They could have given us all kinds of tips and talked for hours. But she said there's only one thing Got it off. So this is like a pro tip here and that is Gillette gel shaving cream and it has to be Gillette and has to be gel. And I guess you put it all over your painted body and you let it sit for like 45 minutes,
and I don't guess that's what you did it work. Yeah, well,
Lisa RichartHernandez
I also use but I also used makeup wipes a lot of makeup wipes to get a good portion of it also, but I only did like my top. I didn't do like my whole body like they did. It took her like two days to get it off. I did the body painting. And it was since it was a travel theme. They painted across my chest, explore our national parks. And it had like, different pictures of different national parks like painted on my my upper body. So on our boobs, my boobs, so I got to be honest, like, oh, and then I wore khaki shorts and hiking boots, and I had bought a park ranger hat, green baseball hat and then my hair and braids. And George dressed up as a park ranger. But he had his Joe exotic wig on. So he was really funny looking. And we you know, we're a cute couple together. Brian and BJ got dressed as they got painted as map of a map of Cuba. So when they stood together, they were like the whole map. And then on the back, one of them had key and the other one had West and they went together. And then I think BJ had so they they you wear underwear, like So Vijay had like a like thong underwear, and they sort of tape it on your body so that it won't move. And when they paint when they're painting you. And there's like special kind of underwear that they use that the paint holds on better. So if you are going to have your whole body painted, you should ask the body painter ahead of time, what kind of underwear you should wear, or if they have some that they can provide for you. We got we were fortunate enough to get painted at BJs house. So we didn't have to stand there like kind of in the bar on the street. And that's part of the thing that I was like a little bit like, apprehensive about like, just because you're just sort of standing there naked, like letting somebody paint your boobs in a bar. And so I was nervous about that, but we did it in the house. And so then I had to walk outside. And I'm just gonna be honest, I completely felt naked. I was like, I'm walking around topless. I know, I'm totally painted, but I'm feeling very naked, right. It's just like very, but once I got used to it and was like really fun and I got a lot of compliments and a lot of people took my picture and stuff like that, but it was just like, the initial feeling of like, I guess for a woman like I'm going outside with no top on in this big crowd of people was like very nerve racking. Like I had to build my and I'm pretty like not shy, pretty bold person. So for me to say that I feel like if you're really not outgoing or or as comfortable with your body, you probably would feel a lot more anxiety than I felt. But I felt some anxiety for sure on that. But it was really fun. And I'm glad I did it. And I really enjoyed it. We had a we had a great time. And of course we're with Bryan and BJ. So they pretty much stole the stove with the with the pictures and stuff took them forever to walk down to Wall Street because so many people wanted to take their photos and stuff like that. So that's pretty cool. Speaking of walking, I would say one of the biggest tips I could give anybody is make sure when you're planning all these costumes and what you're going to do that you wear comfortable shoes, because it's a long day on your feet. And there's not always places to sit. And you don't want to be like George the leprechaun with blisters on your heels from walking around and bad shoes for one day getting ruined, you know, the rest of your week. So what we do what was the rest? Sunday was a day of rest Sunday. We had
Sunday we took it easy because Monday we were leaving and we were driving straight back to Hilton Head which ended up being a 12 hour drive so we took it easy Sunday. I think we cleaned the RV packed everything and just laid low which was nice that we go out to dinner Sunday. Obviously we ate but
Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah, we went to rooster Kagan before I started my diet and then we got that Sicilian pizza from Rustica which was amazing. Yes, I'm not solid.
Oh my god. They're Sicilian pizza had sauteed onions like carmelized onions, but they were carmelized with Carly. I like a lot of garlic. Almost too much garlic. No, it's never said almost because there's no such thing as too much. But man
Lisa RichartHernandez
that thinks it was so good. So good. Especially after like A long week of drinks and that kind of thing. It was just like really nice. So we had risk of for dinner and went to bed early. So Monday we drove 12 hours back to Hilton that aisle motorcoach resort. It was a long but fairly easy drive. And we have talked so much in this podcast. And I think we've spent more time than we really expected to talk about fantasy fast. I think we're gonna save our talks about Hilton that Isla motorcoach and owners week till our next podcast and tell you a little bit more maybe about our last tailgating experience as well, because that was the very tail end of our trip. And we've got some more tailgating coming up this fall. We're looking forward to Thanksgiving. And we're going to do I think a Friendsgiving for the big Clemson and Carolina game. So we've got all kinds of good stuff to talk to you about in the future. But for today, I think that's it. Listen, if you have any questions about fantasy fests, please reach out to us on our website. It's RView podcast dot com, it's RView.podcast.com. And you could send us a message if you have any tips, or anything that we have to do next year and fantasy files. We'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions about Boyd's campground, we'd love to answer those. Anything else. We we love our fans, and please share and like our video, our podcast because the more people that listen to us, the better it is for our ratings. And someday I want to be able to retire and just travel around and do podcasts for you.
Please help lease or retire. If you go to any of these places, if you go to Key West, please visit the people that we're talking about. We love to promote new businesses fun businesses, and everybody that we talked about was fantastic. Have a drink suckers.
Lisa RichartHernandez
all right for now until next time, we will see you soon. Thank you friends.
Bye bye.
Thanks for listening to another episode of RView don't forget to drop us a line at RViewpodcast.com That's the letter R view podcast.com And like, subscribe and follow us so you don't miss out on our next adventure.
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