RView RV and Travel Adventures
RView RV and Travel Adventures
Interview with Hugh Hardy from Carroll's Sausage and Country Store.
George and Lisa interview the BEST home made sausage maker in the South. Hugh Hardy from Carroll's Country Sausage and RV park.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Hi, welcome to RView. We've got a great show for you today we have Hugh from Carol's sausage and country store in Ashburn, Georgia. It's also got an RV camping spot and it's going to be a stopover for you of your head and down 75 So stay tuned, we'll tell you all about it.
Welcome to RView with your hosts George and Lisa Hernandez each week listen as George and Lisa talk about their RV and travel adventures all around the world. Georgia and Lisa travel in their 40 foot Class A tip and motor coach and tow their Jeep Wrangler always looking for fun and adventure
Lisa RichartHernandez
Hi, welcome to RView. I'm Lisa RichartHernandez.
And I'm George Hernandez
Lisa RichartHernandez
and we have a great guest for you today we have Hugh Hardy from Carol's sausage and Country Store. Welcome you tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hugh Hardy
Thank you Lisa. I'm so glad I'm so glad you guys are having me on the show today. Well I'm a live down in Asheville, Georgia been here all my life and basically grew up grew up in the country on a family farm and and once I got gets all that through high school and got a first job at a grocery store, so I started off basically bagging groceries and later worked my way up to working in the meat department. And as a cleanup, I was actually the cleanup boy. So that's kind of how I got started in the in the meat business. But then a little bit of everything from construction work to farming, you know, just just a handful of different things in my life. But mostly I've been in the meat and the meat business and the grocery business and worked for several different major grocery change through the years and up until 2001 when I purchased Carol sausage, it was a little small mom and pop shop down in Sycamore, Georgia, actually is where the original store was located and purchased that and just had have had a vision I guess, to see the company grow. And And yes, I remember a day when I was actually the only employee that worked for the whole store. And I think now we're up to about 40 or 50 employees. But anyway, that was in 2001. And, and then things just began to grow the business and doing a lot of advertising and radio and TV and ended up renovating that original home store and and just, you know, put up billboards, and the thing began to grow. It just got crazy with business and wow opened, opened a second location and Sylvester, Georgia. I think it was in 2004. We opened that Yeah. 2004. So we ended up with two locations. And and since then I've had a total of forestall work. But I'm back down to two now. Thank goodness, it just, you know, I realized that having multiple locations was just harder to keep good service and good. Keeping the quality out there. So we kind of downsize back to two, which now we still, you know, have one and still but for as well as Ashburn, which is a big store here on Interstate 75. Right here, exit 82. So
Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah, well, that's what kind of caught our attention because you know, we are our viewers, so a friend reached out to her. And she's like, you've got to checkout girls country sausage, and it's a stopover place for people that are coming through in their RVs. And so I thought, oh my god, we got to get him on our show. And then you said, Well, let me just send you some sausage. And so we got our box of sausage last week and pork chops and bacon. Yeah, those pork chops
were incredible.
Hugh Hardy
Wow. That's one of our biggest sellers called sausage sausage is what we're famous for.
And well, I
Lisa RichartHernandez
can see why you're famous for it. Because George and I are self proclaimed foodies. And we were like, this is like the best sausage I've ever eaten in our lives. For sure. So delicious. I cooked one link of it just like to try it out. And then I was gonna feed it to Georgia when he got home and I ate the whole thing like so. I just cooked some sausage when I ate it all.
I got home and she said oh, I cook the sausage. Would you like to try it? And I said yeah, that sounds great. And she gave me like this little corner piece that was and this is all you cooked. And she said no I cooked a lot more but this was all that? Oh yeah, but it was. What was it the chat the spicy chatter one? Yeah.
Hugh Hardy
Jalapeno and cheese.
Oh, that was a really big I was so good.
Hugh Hardy
And that's a really big seller we've we've, we started making that particular way so when I bought the company we only had three three flavors we had mild, medium and hot. And of course we made fresh pan, we might fresh pan sausage, and then we make fresh link sausage. And then we have smoked smoked sausage, which looks like this what I sent you guys was a smoked jalapeno. But we've just enhanced our products with different flavors and you know different things and creating new recipes. We create, try to create new stuff every year. And I think now we're up. I would say around with 40 or 50 different flavors. Wow. Products. I
was just gonna ask how many flavors Yeah, and that's
Hugh Hardy
I don't think I sent you guys any of our snack sticks that we make. I'll have to send send you some of those to drive but we have we make a fully cooked snack sticks. And we also and those come in several different flavors and also summer sausage. We might make several flavors of summer sausages while right here in the plant at the at the home location here. Wow. We have a lot of different flavors of sausage and one the Flavor of Georgia for the University of Georgia back in 2017 we want we won the People's Choice Award and meat category for the for the whole state for our Wow. That was what the medium smoked sausage that we won that weird but we haven't entered the jalapeno and cheese yet. I know that probably probably a winner too.
Oh yeah, you're gonna kill it with that.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Any one of the ones that you sent us were delicious. I think he sent us like four or five different flavors. And they were all I mean incredible. And I was like, wow, now I see. When I first saw it. I was like, How is there a whole store that does all sausage. And I was like, Oh, now I got it. Now I got it. So if you if you're driving down 75 And you see those signs like pull over?
Hugh Hardy
You know, that's the good thing you won't get we've got numerous billboards up and down the interstate, so it's hard to miss it. And then when you come through Ashburn you'll see we've set rod on dry, don't worry. We're on the south bound side of the interstate. Of course you can see it going both north or south but you can't miss it when you rob Bob and he we're sitting with her within a Ross throw of the the center of southbound 75 here so you definitely won't miss it.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, yeah, Google Earth you and you're right off the highway. So that's that's great. Is the driver so I always look is it going to be hard to get to is you know, what exits up to take your right there, you're just Yeah, blank are on and stop. Yeah.
Hugh Hardy
And then when you mentioned the RV park, that was something that we had a lot of r&b We've always had a lot of over the years, even before we moved up here to the we were about a mile off the interstate, the original store. And then when we moved here on the own 75 and 2012 was when we opened up here that I think 13 or 14 is when I decided to add some RV sites and really just just so that our customers would be able to stop in take a break and of course, you know, spend the night and then blow their coolers up the next morning on the way out and it's really done. It's been it's done really well for us. And you know, now we're in the process of expanding that. That's that RV park we're going to end up with between 50 to 60. Right now is what we'll have total sites with the possibility of a lot more to come you know, when we get these to kind of get this going. But
Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah, that that's, that's awesome. Tell Ken, do you have any of your plans? Besides just expanding like do you know? Are they going to be mostly pull through sites like I know when we're towing or we have the 40 foot motorcoach towing our jeep, we love to when we're passing through the night to have pull through sites.
Hugh Hardy
This was completely pulled through full hookups each site has has 30 out and 50 out, you know breakers with each site has a sewer hookup. And they're there. They have accommodate any size. motorcoach was a you know pull behind call or whatever they're you know, nice pretty easy access circle drive all the way around you just you know Well weigh in when it's easy to get in and easy to get out. Excellent
Lisa RichartHernandez
that that sounds like the perfect overnight stay on your way, on your way down to Florida or on you know, Georgia is kind of that almost halfway mark if you're coming from up north Michigan, Pennsylvania, all those but
Hugh Hardy
as we've got so many wonderful customers that come through from north, the lot of people have places up north and places down in South Florida. So this is their, this is you know, become their destination point to stop and wholesale, buy a lot of products, sausage, bacon, all that good stuff to take home with them, or, you know, back and forth to and fro. It was so good. Now as people, other people have tried it when they you know, and now with a lot of these people come in with grocery lists for friends and family members.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Believe it I believe it, because if you if someone like if you serve it to somebody else, they're gonna be like, Oh, wow, this isn't well, like
our party this weekend. I'm sure if we tell them we're going well, can you just bring me back? Yes.
Hugh Hardy
That's how it works out.
Lisa RichartHernandez
So tell us so I saw on your website that you can also order stuff online, so you don't have to be driving through Georgia to order your products. Tell us about how that online process works.
Hugh Hardy
Yeah, what we do, we of course, we've got a website you can order off of and we're, we're adding more products to here in the next over the next month or so we're going to try to have all of our products that are available online. And right now we've kind of got a demographic area that we're shipping to the world, you know, out what the, you know, the state's around surrounding Georgia. So and we're playing and plans are to expand that as well. Well, we could ship you know, across all the way you know, as far as to you know, New York, Michigan, which we have done in the past I'll tell you just the shipping run into a few shipping issues occasionally with the perishable product, but we're working some of those details out and so will basically be pretty well just nationwide here hoping hopefully the next few months but yeah, the storyline in order bottle customers or call and placeholder is basically shop and just like you would if you were in the store, you know you can tell actually talk to a butcher and tell them you want your steak cut a certain thickness or you want so many pork chops sliced up and put into a package and I mean, it's just all custom, every order is done. Basically, you know when when you place an order, it goes to the to the meat department, and it runs right through our our process just as if you were standing here chopping right at the main case. Wow, that's
Lisa RichartHernandez
awesome. Yeah, that's that's, that's incredible. I love that you're, you know, you've kind of started from from from literally literally, like mopping the floors to now like running this huge like meat empire. Like it. Yeah.
Hugh Hardy
I don't mind. I don't mind cleaning the bathrooms if that's what it takes.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Well, did you I mean, so you like smoke all these meats and everything right there at the place in in Georgia.
Hugh Hardy
Yep, that's right where everything is. I mean, we've literally cut up cut up the meat, grind, it makes it bad, our seasonings and spices. Everything is pretty well we do everything here by basically by hand. I mean we have sausage, you know we're not we have small sausage stuffers. So everything is a every link of sausage that we make is hands on. I mean, it's literally you know, we have a staff that's that's running each link out so it gets a lot of TLC possibly just now. That's right. And then we you know, we do all of our own smoking we've got, I think three large smokers here that we use and and and so we we've got a great hassle. I don't know if you familiar with the hassle program, but it's it's just a program that that we document everything from the time when this product comes in and off of our trucks that deliver to us all the way out to the case. So it's temperature control. Everything is monitored. All of our cooler temperatures are monitor so mean to the customers. We really we do. My staff does an excellent job of protecting the consumer We're you know with just a good quality control procedures that we use here. But yeah, we make up we might make every all of our sausages and specialty products right here. We've got a I don't know if I sent you guys any of the board we call it book board bacon but we make that here. It's it's really good. It's grilled and pan fried. It's a good product.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Maybe you sent us so I'll tell you what I did. You sent us this, like thick thick cuts smoked bacon. Oh, yeah, that's probably the apple woods. Yeah, and it was so good. But I wanna hold
on a minute. But another product I didn't get to taste. No,
Lisa RichartHernandez
I brought the bacon on the meat platter. This. I turned it in. Oh, okay. Okay. Made it into candy bacon. And that got beaten up right away.
Yeah, nothing survived that platter. I was scared to get my hands
Lisa RichartHernandez
with all the sausage on it. Yeah, but that the bacon. You know, what else you sent me was the barbecue sauce, which was also incredible.
Hugh Hardy
Oh, yeah, we all we've got a full line of I call it private label products, barbeque sauces, seasonings, jams, different types of jellies, pickles, cayenne, pepper sauces, you name it, we've just got a lot of different different products that on top of that, you know, besides sausage and bacon, but
Lisa RichartHernandez
Right? Yeah, I'm looking at your website, you've got like pickled vegetables and syrup and, and all kinds of stuff. Do now? Are those locally made things? How do you where do you do, you don't make all those sauces.
Hugh Hardy
We don't wait, we actually have some some other companies that are that, that produce a lot of different product force, and a lot of which are Georgia Grown companies. We're really we're we're one of the largest Georgia Grown stores. I guess right now on only interstate, we we try to bring in any, any of these freight products locally made, made in Georgia, we're obviously members of the Georgia Grown program, we were one of the first first companies when Georgia Grown first come out to participate in the program. So we try to encourage anybody this local, not just in Georgia, but any local byproducts that are that are, you know, linked to criteria of what we're trying to do we kind of bring those products in. And if it's a sick, you know, if it's a really good product, then we will analyze it look at it tasted and then, you know, we love to do private label and stuff because it kind of helps us and it helps out the vendor as well.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, yeah. i And I love that, that you, you know, there's just such a, so many people want to like, you know, keep it local and have that like home organic, fresh made things that are just I love to be able to support like local businesses, and especially small vendors. So that's really great that you do
Hugh Hardy
what you're saying, you know, with us being brought here only on the interstate. Just you got you know, so many people traveling through from from different from other states and even other countries. I mean, we have people stopping here from all over the world. You know, they're traveling and yeah, so you know, that gives them an opportunity to get a taste of local taste of Georgia, I guess you'd say. You know, so it's kind of works out. Good for everybody.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. So you said you had for four stores before? Do you think you're just going to keep it to two and where are we place?
Hugh Hardy
Yeah, definitely. Yes, we. We got so it really stretched us it really had a stretch style. Just too thin. You know, with having so many styles. You know, so many people won't stay out and you don't have that is this diatom? Last, the last is more. I've learned it took me a little while to learn that and I actually had a dream of having, you know, corny Stowers. And after the full store went up about a year or two ago that I decided well, that's definitely not. That's definitely not the avenue I want to take. So to keep it a little more low key we've got I've got staff members now I've actually been I've got one that's been with me now for over 20 years. Wow. And several more that's just hitting close to the 20 year mark. So we've we've built that good relationship, you know, with the management staff I have, and the customers have as well. And it's easier you know, when you just have less people and it seems like to me, I feel like I can get a better quality and better service debt service. So we want to keep it that way. We just want to keep it that way. So I've worked for corporate I've worked in the corporate industry and it's a whole different ballgame. Yeah.
You got the bigger the problem
Hugh Hardy
and you're just another number. Our people here is that you know, my staff they're not they're not just another number. They're everybody's my family. Yeah,
Lisa RichartHernandez
sure. That's awesome. So did you come up with all these sausage flavors yourself? Or were how that how we did?
Hugh Hardy
Yeah, it's just luck. So when I first originally purchased the sausage and the recipe that was the original, you know, the original started and it had been in the family for years with the Carol's I actually bought it from, from the Carol's they started the company in 1988.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, so Carol's was their last name. Carol,
Hugh Hardy
Carol's essence I and so when I purchased the company from they were just had got to a point and willing to retire. And they are doing such a great job with their service and their quality through the years and their customer base. They were really, they were looking for someone to they just didn't want to sell the business to just anybody, basically. And they knew they knew of me and they knew my grandparents. Were some of their best customers through the years. Carol sausage ever since I can remember. Since not since 88, I know when I moved to Sycamore, which my grandparents really run down the road from the store. So they would you know, they shop at Carol's quite regularly. But I grew up eating their sausage, made a sample slice of tomato and little onion mayonnaise. And my grandmother would take that sausage, this medium smoked sausage, and she would slice it in long links and lay it on the sandwich. And I mean, it was that was my one of my favorite things as a kid. It just made me hungry. Oh, yes. I'll tell you it's hard to beat that. So yeah, but But yeah, so I first purchased it from them back in two, you know, 2001 they retired and they're they're still around, they still shot they shot was you know, they still come in, quite often in their family that way. Oh,
Lisa RichartHernandez
so I bet they're really proud of their names. They Oh, yeah.
Hugh Hardy
They it's kind of, well, it's really grown and my vision I had, it's really exceeded what I have my expectations of what we would ever have done. And I've actually just had to, you know, pull the reins back a little bit because they're again, I don't want to I don't want to grow too much to sacrifice quality and service. So we just, you know, kind of maintain what we're doing now. But yeah, they definitely they're proud. They're proud of it. And we've made a they had a wonderful name and a good business when I bought the company from them. And we've just continued that right on. Yeah, Sam sir.
Lisa RichartHernandez
I've seeing your kids grow up.
So for those of you that are looking for it online, if you want to look it up, it's spelled ca RR o l l s sausage.com. So there's two R's, two L's
Hugh Hardy
two Rs two Ls, two S's.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah. There you go. What about is there anything or else around that Ashburn? Stop that might be interesting to our listeners? Or is it just pretty much a small town with a big sausage store?
Hugh Hardy
Small town with a big sausage store? There's a few there's some there's some other businesses and some really some some fairly good people nice places to stop and grab a snack on the way through and we have I don't know if I'm sure some of the listeners right now remember the big Georgia Peanut monument we had here which is right abroad. Oh my property here. Okay. It got knocked over during the mock hurricane Michael they get that it didn't quite withstand the hurricanes. It's about to go back up. So that's going to be that's something that everybody's looking forward to is that that big Georgia Pina going back up here, okay. Which is right out in the RV park. So and hopefully it'll be under the next few weeks. So it's not very you know, it's gonna be here before we know it and that tangle beat stand you'll be able to see it from Miles and miles, both two rights. And so when you see the big peanut, you'll know you'll know you're in the right spot. And we're big peanut farmers around here. You know, we got a lot of farm industries what basically asked for an intern account he's known for us to peanuts, watermelons,
and sausage. Good. Good corn and
Hugh Hardy
cotton in some of the best sausage you're gonna find anywhere. So yeah, that's
attached to that.
Lisa RichartHernandez
So I heard about some possible sausage festival plans for next year. Is that going to happen or do you have any details on that yet?
Hugh Hardy
We are we're teaming up with Bob and Sheree, they have a podcast as well. And we're teaming up with those guys and we're going to have a big event was, you know, hopefully filled the RV park. I've got to stage out here in the park to an area that we can have concerts and it's it's set up for Scotland colon plumbing, for lookups for vendors to come in and set up. And so we're gonna have a sausage festival. We've had a few in the past. It's been a little while since we've we've had anything out here but that's going to be I'm hoping for next. I think we're planning on April of next year, April, mid April 1 of May next year. And we're going to bring in some some live music and have a barbecue cook off her kids several things. Actually robbing Ray are really good friend of mine at all slathered brand. Okay, that's the best.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yes, he says, I want to make a teacher that says, slathered on my soul.
Hugh Hardy
Yeah, there you go. That'd be a good slogan.
This T shirt, so sell out. Yeah,
Lisa RichartHernandez
but I use I use her slather sauce all the time. Oh,
Hugh Hardy
no. She's gonna be down. And then we've got a few other people it's gonna participate. And we're planning to do a a showdown a cook cook off showdown between myself and Robin and maybe a couple other others, you know, and we're going to have a cook off contest to see who can either I'm not sure what we're going to cook yet. I'm thinking something to do with some sort of a barbecue and outdoor on the grill type recipe. But we're going to have we'll get some judges involved and it'll be a fun time.
Lisa RichartHernandez
We definitely definitely want to show up for that. We'll be there and we'd love to help you come out and come in the motor coach and
Hugh Hardy
yeah, we'll make sure we reserve you guys are beside for that.
Yeah, just keep us posted as things develop and we'd be happy to talk about it on our podcast. Yeah,
Lisa RichartHernandez
that's like a perfect time of year because that's when the snowbirds start to head back north. All the Florida starts to clear out mid April.
Hugh Hardy
Yeah. When you start having those 90 degree days, everybody starts heading back north. Yeah. And I don't blame them either. I tell you. We get pretty hot around here. July. August. September is pretty rough down here.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, we're in. We're in Charleston, South Carolina and Hilton Head, South Carolina. So we've
Hugh Hardy
started a little cooler. Not quite as bad, but y'all have some hot weather there too. Oh, yeah. Yeah, at least. Newman. This is just we have some hot humid days here. And
Lisa RichartHernandez
I tell you, yeah, we get the humidity also. Yeah, it's when I say it's not the heat. It's the humidity. No, it's just hot. It's hot. sweaty. Yeah. So we'll really look forward to that. We would definitely we'll put that on our list and and all of our other motorcoach friends anybody that's in an RV or traveling down 75 Like definitely stop in at Carol's Country Store and if are you around there you like can they say hey
Hugh Hardy
I'm in and out but I'd love Yeah, if they come in and ask for me or leave me or leave it like leave a card or I'll be glad to reach out to them if they want to just like got any questions or anything like that. I'm in and out of the store lot them I'm around so yeah, we can makes it and I was gonna mention this real quick too. They do QA and when you do rent an RV site here we do give the customers a $10 coupon to the store so you can come in and use that and try you know, drastic products. So you do receive a $10 gift card as you when you rent an RV site.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh, that's excellent. Oh, yeah, I mean, and I don't you don't charge much for your for your RV spots, either. I know
Hugh Hardy
they're laughing you're $40 a night with full hook ups and everything. Plus you get a 10. Plus you get a $10 coupon back, so, wow.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, that's practically free.
Hugh Hardy
And if we add another thing here, what we what we do if we don't have 20 sites right now, but But if they're full, and we have our viewers coming through that need, we don't mind he's parking in the parking lot, find a spot, that a sign deny notecards you know, just come visit the store the next morning and yeah, get a get a Pepsi and a sausage dog and, or you'll be happy. And so Wait, so we're like,
Lisa RichartHernandez
Are you part of harvest host? Harvest hosts? No. You should. You should check that out. It's a so we do harvest those a lot. It's cost $99 A year for people. And then they can basically just just exactly what you said just park in the parking lot. Dry Dry camp basically. Oh, and and all they ask is that you spend $20 that the like they have met wineries that breweries that different farms. So yeah, there's 1000s of places and I would probably get you a lot of exposure. Or Yeah. And and there. It's a big map. There's 1000s of places we stayed at a vineyard in Oregon. When we did our cross country trip. It was incredible. We stayed in a brewery in Michigan. Yeah, we've we've stayed a bunch of different places. So if I saw if I saw your place on there, I'd be like, oh, yeah, we always joke our harvest hosts are always our most expensive stops are free stops are the most proper, the most expensive ones, you sign up for the wine club, or whatever it is. But I know that once people get get to try the sausage, and honestly, I see some times on a harvest host. And then I go oh, wait, they have a hookup. And all you got to do is pay, you know, 10 or 20 $30. Yep. Or even if
Hugh Hardy
they were gonna check into that. Yeah, definitely can do that. That's a great idea. We haven't really done very little promoting for the RV park because I just have such few sites. But I want to, you know, definitely look into to get into some more RV promotion for this camp ground that we're putting in. So
yeah, I think armas has an easy promotion and Oh, put Yeah, and people use the heck out of it. Yeah.
Hugh Hardy
Okay, well, we're definitely gonna do that. That's a wonderful idea. Thanks.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Yeah, great, great. Well, tell us. So we've already told them they've got Carol's sausage.com, right, is your website. And they can stop there. Tell us again, what exit is off. 75,
Hugh Hardy
exit 82. You know, when you get off the exit, you'll go west to the first row to your left, which is we'll circle your perm between there, Zach Spees, and a new Burger King. So you'll turn to lay off Route between the two and then we're right down there on the left, but it's just you know, easy on Easy Off plenty of room to come in and turn around and park and you know, get in and out. Just come home, make yourself at home, hopefully rent a campsite for a night or two and load the cooler up and fill your freezer up and you'll be glad you did.
Yeah, excellent. Yeah, let me ask you a question. Like I said, I always drive the RV. If they're just passing through and they're not going to spend the night is there adequate parking for an RV to pull in and Oh, yes. Okay,
Hugh Hardy
yeah, that's right. Yeah, plenty of room to come in and Microsoft will turn and talk and then when you when you pull out just Dr. Rod Oh
Lisa RichartHernandez
yeah, that's always so good to know. You know, just
Hugh Hardy
easy, really easy. We have lots of big motorhomes coming in and out here all the time. Stop and you know, so yeah, there's plenty of places out here to park and you know, we just want everybody to come in and make yourself at home and enjoy yourself while you're here. You know,
Lisa RichartHernandez
so that's that's That sounds great. Well, thank you so much for well first off thank you so much for sending us the sausage because oh my god,
Hugh Hardy
I'll send you a few more products to to try out we've got some other things after
we're not going to turn it down.
Unknown Speaker
We'll do that and how I'll have Heather look is she does our ship and I'll reach out to her today while I'm here and get her to speak to you guys some other stuff to try out and
Lisa RichartHernandez
that's that's awesome.
Hugh Hardy
We heard about some best advertising
Lisa RichartHernandez
Oh yeah. And I mean I really can't say I honestly I'm just wasn't I tried the sausage. I was literally like so amazed. Oh, good. It was like almost a funny thing to say. I think like
yeah, We actually haven't stopped talking about, like,
Lisa RichartHernandez
I sent me that sausage and it was like the best sausage I've ever eaten. And, you know, when someone tells you like, I'm gonna send you some sausage, you kind of like, okay, or whatever. I've had sausage before. But no, this is definitely worth it. So if they're not even passing through, they need to get online and try some. Absolutely.
Hugh Hardy
Yeah, we definitely, definitely appreciate it and appreciate appreciate what you guys are doing. And thanks for. Thanks for having me on today. It's been a lot of fun.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Thank you all so much. And we will, we will post all of your information and contact information in our show notes. And you can check out some pictures on our website is RViewpodcast.com. So make sure you like and share this with your friends. And thank you so much Hugh and have a great day. He'll see you soon.
Yeah, if you need a judge next year, yes. I'm more than happy to be a judge. Okay,
Hugh Hardy
that sounds good. Well, we're planning on that. Lisa.
Lisa likes to cook and I like to eat.
Hugh Hardy
That sounds good. We'll definitely keep you in mind for that for that. Judges. See.
All right. Sounds good. It was great talking to you.
Hugh Hardy
Guys, y'all have a blessed day and thanks so much again.
Lisa RichartHernandez
Alright, thanks.
Thanks for listening to another episode of RView. Don't forget to drop us a line at rview.podcast.com That's the letter R view podcast.com And like, subscribe and follow us so you don't miss out on our next adventure.
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